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Schools & Clubs
- North Derry Pony Club
- Mowden School
- West Somerset College
- King's School, Worcester
- New Hall School
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- King's College Taunton
- Pytchley Hunt Pony Club
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- North Cotswold Pony Club
- Millfield School
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- South Notts Pony Club
- Royal Grammar School Worcester
- Sancton Wood School
- Soham & District Pony Club
- St Gabriel's School
Schools & Clubs
- North Derry Pony Club
- Malvern St James Girls' School
- Mowden School
- Cheltenham Ladies College
- West Somerset College
- King's School, Worcester
- New Hall School
- Blundells School
- King's College Taunton
- Pytchley Hunt Pony Club
- Central BE Team
- North Cotswold Pony Club
- Millfield School
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- South Notts Pony Club
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Gemma Tattersall

Update ****January 2020 ****
2019 hasn’t really been our best year to date.
The hardest thing about horse sport is when our precious partners pick up injuries and we’ve definitely had our fair share this year.
BUT we are ready for 2020 and so looking forward to an Olympic year with plenty of things exciting things on the horizon.
I’ve enjoyed doing a bit more showjumping in 2019 and plan to keep that up with some of our lovely young horses.
Update ****January 2018****
“My main aim for 2018 is to be qualified and selected for the World Games and then to be successful as part of the Team out there, hopefully winning a medal!
I have a very exciting crop of horses this year with 8 Advanced horses so I am hoping for some good placings at 3star, 4 star and within the ERM series. I will be working hard to keep my title as ERM Series winner!”
****June 2017****
Bramham 2017. was incredible as always, one of my most favourite events of the calendar. - very prestigious 3 star and always a real XC test. Quicklook was a total and utter star all week, competing in the CCI***, she led the dressage on a super score of 36.7, was awesome XC round a serious track.... long hilly and tough, a few time faults but still in the lead! We didn't have a fence in hand to win and unfortunately we made a tiny mistake and had the back bar of a triple bar down, so we finished 2nd! I can't explain how proud I am of this special little mare. She always gives her best - so pleased for all her very loyal owners.
We also had new ride Pamero 4 for owner Clive Smith in the CIC***, and I was super happy with him all week. We were 2nd after the dressage on a score of 42.7, one fence down showjumping (just a slight misunderstanding between us!) and he was mega round the XC jumping really well. We ended up 7th in an extremely competitive section.
Badminton 2017. ''Well we did it! A fantastic clear round in the showjumping today. Just so special I can barely find the words. Arctic Soul has a heart as big him, tries beyond belief. What an unbelievable horse he is. So so proud of him. 7th and another top ten result at 4 star. Also winner of the ROR prize. I couldn't have done any of this without my fabulous team. Quite simply you are all legends and together we are one hell of a team. Love you all''
Final Year Update December 2016:
"2016 I can safely say has been a huge rollercoaster, the most memorable year of my life so far, for the good and not so good. From starting the year on flying form with all 4 legged ponies, gaining my highest world ranking so far, 3rd at Badminton, being on the podium with the "God" Micheal Jung, winning the Olympic final trial at Bramham and being at the top on the podium with my idols Pippa Funnell and Tina Cook. Then to be selected for the Olympic Games (A life time ambition!) were all my dreams coming true. Then to have top horses sidelined due to silly injuries, (the nature of our sport I know!) the disappointment in myself at not producing the result we all wanted out in Rio, then loosing my wonderful, treasured Grandfather (Papa) who was such a huge part of my life and followed my career avidly. I will miss him forever. To then the hype of me winning the amazing Event Rider Masters series to go and have the most "expensive" run out of my life!! Then finally some positive wonderful news my little brother getting engaged to the most beautiful girl I know.
I have learned more about myself and life in one year than my whole life I think!! Coming out the other side strong and ready to crack on fresh for the New Year. BRING IT ON!!! Thank you so much to my whole family (Mummytatt) my boyfriend Matthew and my wonderful team of girls and owners who have supported me unconditionally. Love you all so much".
Gem ???
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